誠に恐縮ながら、お客様都合による商品の返品・交換は原則としてお受けしておりません。 ただし、お届けした商品に初期不良があった場合や、ご注文内容と異なる商品が届いた場合に限り、以下の条件を全て満たしている場合にのみ、返品または交換を承ります。
■Returns and Exchanges
We regret to inform you that we do not accept returns or exchanges for reasons of customer convenience. However, only in the case of initial defects or incorrect delivery, we will accept returns or exchanges provided that all of the following conditions are met."
- 商品到着後7日以内に、当サイトのCONTACTフォームよりご連絡をいただいた場合
- 未使用であり、商品タグが付いた状態である場合
- 付属品、および納品書が全て揃っている場合
- You contacted us via the CONTACT section of this website within 7 days of receiving the item.
- The item is unused and still has the tags attached.
- All accessories and the delivery slip are included.
「当社が指定する方法でご返品いただいた場合、該当商品を正しいものと交換させていただきます。恐れ入りますが、交換の際は、他の商品、色、サイズへの変更は致しかねます。 万が一、交換用の在庫をご用意できなかった場合に限り、ご返金にて対応させていただきます。
"If the item is returned using the method designated by our company, we will exchange it for the correct item. Please note that we cannot exchange it for other products, colors, or sizes. In the event that we are unable to secure stock for an exchange, we will process a refund.
For products purchased at our physical stores, please contact the respective store directly if you find any defects."
- ご注文番号
- 氏名
- 住所
- 電話番号
- 該当の商品
- 商品タグ
- 付属品
- 納品書
■How to Return or Exchange
Please contact us via the CONTACT section of this website within 7 days of receiving your order, including the following information:
- Your order number
- Your full name
- Your address
- Your phone number
Please note that we may not be able to accept returns or exchanges if you do not contact us in advance.
When returning the item(s), please include the following items in the original condition and send them back to us using a prepaid (collect on delivery) shipping method:
- The item(s) you wish to return or exchange
- All original tags
- All original accessories
- The delivery slip
〒176-0002 東京都練馬区桜台1-7-8 #101 BODYSONG. ONLINE STORE 宛
Return Address:
BODYSONG. ONLINE STORE #101, 1-7-8 Sakuradai Nerima-ku, Tokyo 176-0002 Japan
ご返品いただいた商品が到着後、クレジットカード会社を通じて返金手続きを行います。 クレジットカード会社の処理状況により、ご返金までにお時間を頂戴する場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 クレジットカードの明細に記載されたご返金金額についてご不明な点がございましたら、お手数ですが、ご利用のクレジットカード会社までお問い合わせください。
Once the returned item arrives, we will process the refund through your credit card company. Please note that it may take some time for the refund to be reflected, depending on your credit card company's processing procedures. If you have any questions regarding the refund amount shown on your credit card statement, please contact your credit card company directly.
Made of high quality materials. Please handle your clothes carefully so as to maintain the properties at the time of purchase.
Many of them use special materials.
Some products use used clothing and vintage materials.
Please be careful when handling the product, as it will be a product that uses unique materials with an emphasis on fashionability, such as the texture of the fabric and how to color it.
Be sure to store clothing made of natural fibers such as linen and cotton in a well-ventilated place, and be careful not to get water, oil, perfume, or cosmetics on it.
For products that have been processed after sewing, wrinkles, changes in shape, and blurring in color and size will occur, and the finish will differ in color and texture for each piece of clothing. Please note.
Store knits by folding them on a flat surface.
Please refrain from using necklaces or other jewelry that can cause damage or frayed threads.
Color transfer may occur due to friction when worn. Hairballs are a characteristic of natural materials, and avoiding friction helps prevent hairballs.
When washing, the color may fade or transfer to other clothing.
Washing may cause some expansion and contraction and kinking.
The pattern arrangement may differ depending on the material used.
Some specifications may be changed from the sample.
The material may change depending on the procurement condition of the fabric.
Clothing care is possible at home, but be careful when handling it. Please consult a professional laundry shop for detailed care.